Thursday, March 15, 2012


Well, this week finally showed up.  I spent the first week just relaxing myself.  I didn't bother to study, because it only made me think of boards.  I had LA on Thursday and Clinicals Saturday Morning. This is who it went... for LA
LA... so I was scheduled at 1:50, which is pretty late.  They called my number an hour and 15 minutes ahead.  Luckily, I told my patient to be here an hour ahead.  They allowed me to set up and come back for my patient.  My lucky patient was my cousin who has been my second mom while at college.  I brought her back to the chair and explained the procedure of the local anesthesia.  I barely had any time to practice.  I put the topical, and it was my turn right afterwards.  I did a right PSA first.  My angles were perfect, and the insertion was good.  I didn't have any positive aspiration.  I was so successful with the PSA.  This boost my confidence for the IA.  I did the left IA.  My angles were right, and the needle perfectly slipped through until I got to the site of deposition.  I didn't get any positive aspiration.  However, placing my needle back into the cap caused some difficulty.  It fell out my tray!!!! Yikes!!! I rest my hand against the tray to provide stability.  I told the tester people that my card fell to the floor, and I was going to pick it up and put it on the table.  I did just that.  I handled it like a professional.
The only thing that made me nervous was when the tester people went and discussed together in their huddle group away from me.  It only took 5 seconds.  They came to me and said to clean up.  At this moment, my mind was stirring... they could of either passed me or failed me.  I dismissed my patient, and cleaned up my area.  A short time later, I found out my results... and I passed!!!!  It was a good feeling.
Overall lessons learned... act like a professional.  Second, if you are used to giving shots with poor anatomy, give it to a patient with poor anatomy.  I did just that and I was successful! 

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